ADSL Uncapped @ Home [View All Categories]
Uncapped means that you can use as much data as you want. The advantage of uncapped is that you don't have to worry about running out of data and having to topup your account. These packages will suit anyone using 6GBs or more per month. Subject to our Acceptable usage policy
What do I need to get connected?
- A monthly-bill Telkom Telephone Line
- An ADSL Line - we can apply for the ADSL line on your behalf or simply take over your existing ADSL line from Telkom
- An ADSL Router - which can be purchased from us or your closest pc shop
- An ADSL Account through Sainet
Available Options
Uncapped Data Only Deals from R99.00 Per Month
Uncapped Data + Line Rental Deals From R168.00 Per Month